Updated tour dates, complete with west coast stops! Come one, come all. Putting together some secret special guest appearances at a few of these stops. Stay tuned!
Tuesday March 15, Phoenix Books, Burlington, VT
Friday March 18th, Northshire Books, Saratoga Springs, NY
Thursday March 24th, Brookline Booksmith, Brookline, MA
Friday March 25, WonderCon, Los Angeles, CA
Monday March 28, Mysterious Galaxy, San Diego, CA
Tuesday March 29, Borderlands, San Francisco, CA
Thursday March 31, University Bookstore, Seattle, WA
Friday April 1 Bookworks, Albuquerque, NM
Saturday April 2, Poisoned Pen, Scottsdale, AZ
Tuesday April 12, Bear Pond Books, Montpelier, VT
Shelly Bagchi says:
Aww…no Atlanta or DC! Do you also sign books in airport bookstores like some other authors do?
Susan Jones, Cambridge, Onatario, Canada says:
Will you be doing any appearances in Canada Brain? It would be wonderful to get my books signed.
bstaveley says:
Nothing on the docket this time around, but hopefully in the next year or two!
jaylykens says:
YESSSSSS Borderlands in SF! Meet you there! 🙂
janschubert says:
So excited that you are coming to Albuquerque!!
Angela says:
Ahhh! Seattle! I’ve got a month to try and figure out babysitting for a Thursday night (damn school nights!)
bstaveley says:
How old are your kids?
Angela says:
Ten, nine, and seven. My oldest is just starting to really get into fantasy books – she was trying to read The Last Mortal Bond over my shoulder last week, but I told her she couldn’t start with the last book in the trilogy ^_^
jmmaddison says:
Argh! You finally come to San Diego but I’ve moved to Ohio!
bstaveley says:
Well that won’t do!
Ivar says:
Aww no NYC, I always miss you!
bstaveley says:
I might do a stand-alone reading down in NY at some point. Stay tuned!
Yagiz Erkan says:
I can’t see Denver, CO on the list ;).
bstaveley says:
How far is it to Albuquerque? Like eight hours? Totally worth it!
Yagiz Erkan says:
I don’t trust anything happening on April 1st. 🙂
Shogun says:
Phoenix Comic-Con this year?
bstaveley says:
Not going to make it out this year, unfortunately…